Know the thinking processes coupled to the state of your organization. Discern their strengths and weaknesses. Free the power they harbor to augment organizational performance.


Sigetic analytical services comprise five components.

  1. Problem elucidation.
  2. Robust data collection.
  3. Rigorous reduction of evidence.
  4. Comprehensive reporting of findings.
  5. Coaching of operational interventions to achieve targeted outcomes.

Sigetic analytical services univocally strive to improve client performance.

They employ the most advanced human science methods — including phenomenology, cybernetics, ethnography, existential-psychotherapy, cognitive analysis, and statistics — and are factically motivated. Their application is dynamic and comprehensive. It is adaptable and heeds client goals, requirements, and exigencies.

Pertinent organizational analysis prefaces all Sigetic training and coaching.

Its purpose is to align client to objectives with outcomes and increase probabilities of achieving desired effects. Sometimes realizing performance objectives does not require training, however. It only requires collaborative organizational analysis to determine the root causes of standing problems, specify outcomes sought, and coach actions requisite to achieving goals.