Work smarter. Do better.

Operations Consulting | Organizational Development

Cognition. Meaning. Intelligence. The way persons understand and think. Their perspectives, narratives, and comprehension of things. The choices and decisions they make during the course of doing business. These operations are not detached from technology and production. They do not stand apart from organizations. They are information processes coupled to the state of the system. Sigetic is an unrivaled way of seeing them and enhancing capacities to achieve goals.


Sigetic boosts organizational performance through operationally and scientifically based training, coaching, and analysis. Its utility has been forged by its work in some of the toughest operational environments and ongoing scientific discovery of the cognitive and meaning processes requisite to enterprise excellence. Factors distinguishing its mettle include conscientiousness, adaptability, and an avail of variance and complexity.


Sigetic services are aligned with general system (cybernetic) thinking. They are grounded in physical reality and premised on the empirical understanding that:

  1. information is physical;
  2. all organizations are systems;
  3. all systems are information processing systems, and;
  4. the thinking of the persons who lead, manage, and operate an organization comprises information (physical) processes coupled to the state of the system.


Sigetic’s Founder and CEO is Joaquin Trujillo, PhD. Dr. Trujillo is a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Operations Officer and holds a PhD in Sociology from Florida International University (FIU). His CIA service included tours in Europe, the Middle East, and one combat zone, as well as designations as Acting Chief of Station (ACOS) and Acting Chief of Base (ACOB). He regularly coaches US Military and Special Forces in the leadership, team, communicative, and high reliability processes ingredient to successful intelligence and psychological operations during war and evaluates performance against those variables.

Dr. Trujillo’s scientific work explicates human phenomena — including thinking, intelligence, common sense, and teams — in advanced technologies (e.g., spaceflight, AI, quantum mechanics) and high risk systems. His methodological expertise, as evinced by his publication record, comprises phenomenology, cybernetics (general system theory), ethnography, existential psychotherapy (logotherapy), and cognitive analysis.

Dr. Trujillo earned his US Army Common Faculty Development - Instructor Course (CFDIC) and OSHA General Industry certifications. He holds an active US Secret clearance and EU residency.